Mount St. Michael Secondary School

Class Tutors

As part of our Pastoral Care Circle the school operates a Year Head and Class Tutor system. Each class is assigned a Class Tutor who on behalf of the school community undertakes the role of caring for a class group in order to promote learning at every level of the person.

The Class Tutor is usually the person who knows a particular class group best, they meet their class regularly and teach the class at least once a week. They will monitor their students and build a relationship with each student. They will consult with subject teachers to alleviate any source of difficulty. If the Class Tutor has any particular concerns he or she will bring those concerns to the appropriate Year Head.

At Mount St. Michael priority will be given to the following:

Where possible the class tutor will teach the class for which they have responsibility

Class tutors have a limited sanction imposing role

Class tutors will meet as a group with their Year Head at least twice per term.

Class tutors will be given opportunities for professional development in their role

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© 2025 Mount St. Michael Secondary School