Mount St. Michael Secondary School

Debating/Public Speaking

Debating/Public Speaking

Mount St Michael’s Debating and Public Speaking Club will meet on Wednesdays this year.

Between now and Christmas the girls will have plenty of involvement in National competitions to prepare for among them:

The Business and Professional Women's Organisation Debating competition and The Soroptimist International Public Speaking Competition.

For these competition, speakers have to prepare a speech generally spanning 3-7 minutes on topics as far reaching as Human rights to the Environment.

Mount St Michael’s Debating and Public Speaking Club meet on Wednesdays this year.

Between now and Christmas the girls will have plenty of involvement in National competitions to prepare for including:

1. The Business and Professional Women's Organisation competition.

The theme this year is PEACE: People, Education, Ambition, Communication, Environment.

The Business and Professional Women's Organisation International Conference is being held in Galway this year and the National winner of the public speaking competition will have the honour of presenting their speeches to 400 delegates on May 2019.

2. The Soroptimist International Competition

The Girls' Public Speaking Competition was established in 1981. The aims of the competition are:

  • To encourage girls to play a more prominent part in public life.
  • To improve the art of communication
  • To encourage girls to develop the skill to speak effectively and to articulate with clarity.
  • To develop self-confidence and personality.

Topics are based on the Programme Areas identified by Soroptimist International:

  • Economic Empowerment.
  • Education.
  • Environmental Sustainability.
  • Food Security and Healthcare.
  • Violence and Conflict Resolution.

Participants should be second level students in 4th, 5th, or 6th Year

Claremorris Co. Mayo F12TY09
© 2025 Mount St. Michael Secondary School