Mount St. Michael Secondary School

Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme

LCVP is a programme which strengthens the vocational dimension of the existing Leaving Certificate. It promotes the development of a range of transferable skills and acts as a connecting link between several Leaving Certificate subjects.

It encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning and to become more innovative and enterprising. It helps students realise that they need to have a willingness to learn, to be part of a team, and develop skills for the adult working environment. All students who qualify with the correct subject combinations are entered for LCVP.

The Programme consists of two link modules –Preparation for the World of Work and Enterprise Education. It aims to provide the students with a general knowledge of the world of work, the skills to find employment and experience work in an adult working environment. It tries to provide a link between vocational subjects and their relevance in the business community. It helps students identify their own personal skills and young entrepreneurs amongst us are encouraged to develop that skill.

The LCVP programme is also beneficial to students because of the recognition it gets from Universities and other third level institutions for CAO points.

In 2022 76% of students who sat the LCVP Link Modules exam used the points awarded to increase their overall points total in order to gain access to third level courses and 82% of those who took the subject achieved the highest grade possible - distinction.

Breakdown of Points awarded for LCVP by CAO

  • Distinction 66 Points (H4 equivalent)
  • Merit 46 Points (H6 or O2 equivalent)
  • Pass 28 Points (O4 equivalent)

Further information on the LCVP programme is available here

Claremorris Co. Mayo F12TY09
© 2025 Mount St. Michael Secondary School