Mount St. Michael Secondary School

Year Heads

The Mount St. Michael Pastoral Care Circle

As part of the schools Pastoral Care Circle a Year Head is appointed for each year group.

Pastoral Circle.PNG

Year Heads play a fundamental role in the administrative and pastoral functions of the school. In essence a Year Head has overall responsibility for all aspects of a student's school life. As outlined below

role of year head.PNGEach week the Year Head meets with the school Principal, Deputy Principal and the Guidance Counsellor. At these meetings all aspects of student life is discussed and a team approach is taken to solve any problems arising. Year Heads regularly follow up on issues with students and are also keen to acknowledge and reward positive behaviour and achievements.

2022 - 2023 Year Heads

Ms. Ashling Warde
Ms. Ashling Warde
First Year
Ms. Siobhan Shaughnessy
2nd Year
Ms. Patricia Keane
Third Year
Ms. Thérèse Moran
Ms. Thérèse Moran
Fourth Year
Ms. Martina McNicholas
Ms. Martina McNicholas
Fifth Year
Deirdre Regan
Deirdre Regan
Sixth Year
Claremorris Co. Mayo F12TY09
© 2025 Mount St. Michael Secondary School