Mount St. Michael Secondary School

Transition Year

Transition year is an optional one-year programme bridging Junior and Senior Cycle. The Transition Year programme in Mount Saint Michael Secondary School is designed by the school, in conjunction with Department of Education & Skills guidelines, to equip our students with competencies and skills for the ever changing requirements of college and working life.

Transition Year aims to develop the whole person through its skills focused approach as opposed to the more content focused programmes at Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate levels.

TY boxes.pngThe aims of Transition Year are realised by including the following 5 layers in the TY programme in Mount St. Michael

1. Core Subjects

It is important to maintain direct links between Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate to assist students with subject choice, hence a continuation of

  • Maths
  • English
  • Irish
  • French or German
  • Science
  • Religion
  • PE

2. Subject Sampling - further assists subject choice into Senior Cycle

  • Art & Design (Art)
  • Cookery and Crafts (Home Economics)
  • Mini Company (Business and Accounting)
  • Music
  • Various Science disciplines
  • Career Guidance

3. Transition Year Specific Modules/Courses

  • Drama
  • Dance
  • Public Speaking
  • Choir
  • Art, Craft & Design
  • Enterprise Education/Business
  • Digital Animation
  • Drumming
  • Journalism opportunities
  • Mini Med/Pharmacy/Physio
  • Actuary
  • RSE/Consent
  • Road Safety
  • Cookery (Home Economics)
  • Personal Development
  • Computer Skills
  • Touch typing
  • Safety in the Workplace
  • Sign Language
  • First Aid
  • Millinery
  • Architecture
  • Look into Law
  • Interview Skills
  • Coaching skills

4. Career Placement

Students spend one day each week on work experience. They complete three different work experiences and are encouraged to seek this experience in different fields of interest to them. This experience provides a valuable insight into different careers or areas of work.

Students can also participate in week long work placements during the Transition Year with permission from the school, such work placements must be deemed exceptional in terms of opportunity for permission to be given.

5. Calendar Events

Transition Year is made up of different events, trips and outside- the- classroom activities which include:

  • Pantomime
  • European tour/Alternative Activities at home
  • Retreat
  • Outdoor pursuit trip/Bonding Trip
  • Gaisce trip
  • Local excursions
  • Community events e.g. fundraising activities for the community
  • College Open Days
  • Stem event
  • New and progressive activities deemed in line with the aims of Transition Year
  • Aptitude testing

Assessment in Transition Year

Assessment in Transition Year is carried out in a variety of ways, these include:

1. In class/subject/module assessment: class tests, class presentations, role play, oral, aural

2. Mid Year Review

  • Students meet with a member of the Transition Year planning team to assess and refelct their commitment to Transition Year programme to date.
  • Such assessment is designed to enhance, encourage and ensure consistent student engagement with the aims of the Transition Year programme on offer.

3. Electronic Portfolio Assessment

  • In collaboration with class/module teachers, students carefully select quality pieces of work to include in the creation of their own electronic portfolio. Teachers assess and grade all work pieces included in the mandatory section of the portfolio. Non-mandatory extra curricular work included is assessed by Efolio teachers and the TY co-ordinator.

4. Interview

  • The last stage of assessment in Transition Year is an interview at which students are obliged to present their completed electronic portfolio as well as communicate their achievements throughout the year. Students are awarded a graded Transition Year certificate based on the standard of their electronic portfolio and interview.
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